Autumn ~ The Edge of Transformation
Autumn, at times, carries a hint of melancholy. Summer has bid its farewell, the leaves are changing and falling, and the icy grip of winter sits on the horizon. Yet, it's a season filled with the magic of harvests, splendid colors, and serene days. It's a time when light and darkness find a delicate balance, when change, transformation, and letting go intertwine.
Embracing Autumn's Arrival
As October quietly knocks on my door, time seems to slow down a tad. Autumn slips into my life with a crisper breeze, offering fresh perspectives and a scattering of leaves carried by the wind. Autumn is a remarkable mindfulness teacher, urging me to spend some quality alone time with her. Her beauty often draws me to the window, captivating me, and making it hard to concentrate on my work.
Discovering My Perfect "Sit Spot"
While wandering through the woods, I found my perfect "sit spot" to witness the transformation initiated by earlier sunsets and cooler nights. If I had to choose a favorite element, it would be water. So naturally, my sit spot is next to a pond, a perfect mirror for the changing colors and the white, billowy clouds gracing the sky and the water. As Forrest Gump wisely put it, it's difficult to distinguish where the earth ends and the sky begins. The leaves, tinged with hints of red, steal my attention as their fiery reflections dance on the still water.
A Mindful Challenge
I've set myself a challenge: to return to my sit spot, lay out my blanket, and become one with the more-than-human world. There, I will mindfully gaze at the messages the external landscape reflects about my inner world.
Embracing the Season of Transformation
Autumn is the season when trees release the weight of their leaves, shedding their need to nurture and nourish, and gracefully transitioning to a restful and rejuvenating winter.
At 64, I often feel like I'm in the autumn season of my own life. Autumn represents a personal transformation, a season that challenges me to find the inner strength to change. As the days grow shorter, and our shadows lengthen, I reconnect with my intuitive, receptive, and yielding side, moving away from the rapid growth and renewal of summer, towards introspection and a return to the inner self.
Preparing for Autumn's Arrival
I've taken out my down vest, swapped sandals for socks and sneakers, replaced my summer baseball hat with a cozy knitted cap, and, as always, adorned my signature fashion statement - fingerless gloves. They keep my cold hands as warm as my heart.
A Season of Abundance and Prosperity
The autumn cycle offers a sense of ripeness, maturity, and a bountiful harvest of dreams and aspirations. It's a time of abundance, prosperity, and wealth, reflected in the vibrant reds and oranges of the season. As I sit in the forest next to the rooted trees, I feel grounded in the root chakra, ready to birth new ideas as I gaze at the orange of the sacral chakra.
Embracing Change and Self-Reflection
In this season of change and transformation, I am reminded that autumn is not just a time of letting go but also a time of embracing the new, turning inward, and nurturing the deeper visions that lie within. It's a journey towards peace and wellness, a season that challenges me to find my inner reserves of strength, just as the trees shed their leaves and prepare for the restorative embrace of winter.
As autumn sweeps over the landscape, I find myself embracing the change it brings. The vivid colors, the brisk air, and the opportunity for self-reflection make this season a time of both inner and outer transformation. Whether you have your own "sit spot" or not, I encourage you to take a moment to connect with the beauty of autumn and the changes it ushers in. In doing so, you may find your inner reserves of strength and inspiration as you journey through this remarkable season of transformation.